Are You Ready To Do The Work Needed To Be Happy?
Don’t be afraid to look inside.
If you asked me this question six months ago, I would have told you I was already doing the work. I had checked all the boxes on the rights of passage to adulthood: career, condo, car, cottage… all perceived signs of success and happiness. I was sure that the results of my hard work had earned me the quality of life I deserved and each achievement was a step towards fulfillment.
As far as I was concerned there wasn’t anything missing, until I found myself with some extra time on my hands and a peaked curiosity.
Julianne Hough’s first Kinrgy class put the wheels in motion as I was reminded of my roots as a dancer and the constant craving for creativity in my life. Something inside of me opened up that day and I realized I had been continuously focused on what I needed to do, but what about what I needed to feel?
Fast forward to the present and my social media posts are flooded with beautiful images and smiling selfies. They aren’t the result of a carefully curated life with fancy filters, they are revealing the joy that I am radiating from the inside out.
My energy is abundant and my headspace is positive because of the work I put in every day to be happy.
According to happiness researcher Gillian Mandich, PhD, being connected is the most powerful way to boost our health and happiness. In my experience, connection starts with self.
Connection is a powerful thing.
The development and commitment to a morning routine has led me to discover that morning rituals are magical, sacred, and transformative. After a three-week yoga course, my teacher guided me to my daily yoga and meditation practice. For the past 86 days, the first thing I do in the morning is get on my mat — it is non-negotiable.
This uninterrupted time is dedicated to connecting with myself and my truth, all guiding me to seek authenticity.
My morning routine continues with lemon water, journaling, and reading, providing a means for self-reflection, inspiration, and gratitude.
As a result, when I start the day I have set myself up for success: I walk into it with clarity and purpose leading me to be motivated and productive. I have created space in my mind and in my thoughts to see the path forward; to feel inspired by the world around me while feeling grounded.
Being disciplined in following a morning practice is easy when it leaves you feeling this good.
It has taught me that everything I need to be happy, to feel whole, to feel free to be myself, is inside of me. It has always been there but with without taking the time to be aware of it, I was limiting myself, I was limiting my self expression.
For me, self expression is critical to my survival.
Whether it’s through movement, fashion, or writing, the ability to express myself keeps me connected to who I am. This alignment to my truth has developed through my commitment to my daily practice, and has allowed me to build trust with myself. And it’s from that place of truth we can begin to live free of judgement and show up as ourselves.
Love yourself first, and then you can better relate to and connect with others.
Once you give yourself permission to be yourself, your relationships with people change. I am at my best when I can connect with others authentically by showing up as myself. This has led me to be open to reaching out and introducing myself to new people, starting a conversation, and establishing a true connection. I am filled with energy when I make an authentic connection with someone: I feel seen, I feel heard, I feel happy.
I thought I had done the work to lead a happy life but in reality, the work was just beginning.
When I recognized that I needed something different in my life, I had to go out of my comfort zone and let go of any preconceived ideas and expectations. I had to surrender myself to a new way of thinking and a new way of living.
As my morning routine has evolved from lemon water and journaling, to include yoga, breath work, and meditation, I have discovered the power of looking inward. Every day I feel a part of myself evolving. It’s as though I can reach beyond my thoughts to find my truest self and devote everyday to living that truth.
My commitment and dedication to my practices continues to keep me connected to myself and my happiness.
I’ve learned that it doesn’t negate the hard work, the success, and the beautiful things, but rather contributes to making life even more beautiful.